Thursday, March 29, 2012

There are Angels out there

Being a single-mom probably does suck even on a good day, I try not think about it to much and because I don't know anything else I am completely baffled when they say you are so strong because seriously I am just doing what I have to do.

I'm not strong, I'm just a mother.

What I do feel about being a single mom is the financial burden, especially when you aren't getting any maintenance. Baby's are expensive and I have stopped spending money on certain things.

One of them, magazines, I used to spend easily R200 a month on them now I buy none. Even buying baby magazines seems like a luxury but I seriously should be reading them as I am extremely lacking in the baby and toddler knowledge.

A little while ago I was talking about my struggles with feeding Aiden solids on twitter, I probably sounded clueless but a very kind lady picked up on the fact that I am struggling and found it in the kindness of her heart to get me a year subscription to Your Baby magazine.

I can't really believe there are people out there still with such generous hearts. I am extremely grateful.

Thank you, Thank you, Thank you.

First post in ages that isn't a over due doctors bill 

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