Tuesday, September 20, 2011


Don't we all love free stuff, I do, no matter how small. It's free, somebody took the time to give it to me out of some sort of kindness in there heart or because it's the job. Whichever way you choose to look at it.

I received the Mom 2B Pregnancy Shake sample. They posted to my house with neat little pamphlets and my name on the front. The only thing I have been receiving in the post is OB GYN bills so this was really exciting for me.


If you go to Moomie, a great place where moms and moms to be meet, also great to find out about new products and awesome competitions always running. You can get your shake sample to.

It is really yummy and I am a fussy, fussy eater. It contains all the essential nutrients, vitamins and minerals for both you and your little one. It helps with nausea (always a good thing) and your digestive system (jackpot). I'm definitely going to try out a whole tin and it's for expecting and lactating mom's. Love, love products that cover more than one aspect of your journey.

1 comment:

  1. They are FA-BU-LOUS! They are also starting a very cool 'challenge' soon, I can't reveal too much. :-)

    But you and me both (super pregnant and all) will benefit!
